Firstly and most regrettably, a tragedy close to home where Brisbane’s latest cyclist road fatality has shone the light on the disgraceful failure of our infrastructure to provide safe passage and prioritise people over cars in our city. And although it looks like perhaps it’s caused some action to take place, the fact that it takes tragedies like this for action to happen is, frankly, unforgivable. I didn’t know her personally but Carolyn’s passing will leave a big void in Brisbane’s cycling community and she will be sadly missed. Space for Cycling Brisbane have organised a memorial ride this Saturday 11 July.
On a more upbeat note, I’ve been enjoying the winter sun with another bicycle fishing trip where, again, the prizes were small and few but the enjoyment was high and well worth the effort. It’s low performance bike days with friends like these that I’m finding truly worthwhile nowadays.
Not that I’ve completely forgotten about my sportier bike pursuits. My road bike also came out for the first time in a little while to help blow the dust out of my system as I enjoyed a moderately paced loop along the Moreton Bay Bikeway and along the Redcliffe foreshore. It was a little too chilly for stretchy bike clothes so it was on with a hoody and shorts to keep the wind off and provide some extra pockets for whatnots and thingimy-bobs. Lunch was a must by the time I hit Margate and this clifftop vantage point provided both a view and a way to socially distance while I ate.
Finally, it looks as though a car loving regulatory body in Europe has had a little hissy fit about an advertisement by bicycle company VanMoof and has decided to ban the ad. So here it is.
The regulatory body claims that VanMoof is creating a “climate of fear” around cars which is as ridiculous as the world heavy weight boxing champion bursting into tears because someone’s toddler vomited on him. Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the current international bike boom is sending genuine fear through the auto industry that people are realising that continuing to try and pack more and more noisy, dangerous, polluting cars into urban areas isn’t such a great idea after all…in which case here is the ad again.
Keep riding and see you out there sometime.